Gets Its Irish Up Over Photo Finish
in the Belfast Evening Telegraph of a photograph showing the Belfast
Celtics soccer club marching behind the Irish Republic flag in the opening
game of their US Tour at Randall's Island Stadium
several weeks ago may lead to a resumption of the Battle of the Boyne when
the Celtics, who sail Tuesday arrive back home. |

the Celtics' brilliant victory over the Scottish Internationals at
Randalls Island May 29 has changed the situation and made heroes out of
the team, Orangemen's Day, July 12, promises to send the two factions in
Ulster's perennial religious-political war at each others' throats in an
old-fashioned Dennybrook that can be traced to the Randalls Island
"Foreigners," i.e., non-Irish folk, will understand the situation better if they are
reminded that the North of Ireland, predominantly Protestant, is still
part of the British Empire whereas the Irish Republic severed the last
ties with Britannia only a little over a month ago. The Irish Catholic
faction in Ulster favors union with Southern Ireland. The Protestants want
no part of the Republic. Hatreds based on political and religious
differences have existed in Ulster for centuries and every so often lead
to skull-cracking sessions that Irish-Americans of both religious groups
find difficult to understand since they get along well together over here.
the Celtics opened their tour here, they received strong support from
southern Irishmen although soccer is considered a "thraiterous"
game in their part of the Ould Sod, where Gaelic Football is the most
popular form of kicking, next to being "agin' the government." Had the Celtics paraded behind the Orange banner instead of the Republican
flag that afternoon, there probably would have been a riot at Randalls
Island Stadium.
Celtics, still bitter because one of their stars, Jimmy Jones, was set
upon and brutally beaten by a mob after their last league game with the
Linfields, the Protestant team, in Belfast last February, will withdraw
from the Irish Soccer Football League when they return. Jones is still
hospitalized with a broken leg and other injuries which almsot cost him
his life.
the Belfast Telegraph printed the photo of the Celtics marching behind the
Republican Flag, relatives of the players have written from Belfast,
telling of threats they have received and several players have been told
by the firms that employed them that they needn't return.
When the Celtics play the Kamraterna team Gothenburg, Sweden, in the
farewell game of their tour, the patronage of both Protestants and
Catholics is solicited and fans of Jewish, Mohameddan, Buddhist and Taoist
faith will also be welcomed. Manager Elisha Scott of the Celtics who flew
into a rage yesterday when questioned about the Second Battle of the Boyne,
will be down to earth on this occasion, seeing that no one get in on a
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